Don't Worry Folks, We Found Hank
Earlier today I wondered if Hank was OK since we had not heard from him for so long. But don't despair, Hank has been located after coming out of his bunker and yes, he is still a dumbass. Hank blamed injuries for the Yankee woes with the following from AP:
Kinda sounds like an excuse to me. Didn't the Sox lose Schilling for the season? Didn't Big Papi miss over a month? Isn't Wake on the DL? Isn't Colon on the DL? Isn't Lugo on the DL? But Hank was not done yet, there's more:"I think it's very simple, we've been devastated by injuries. No team I've ever seen in baseball has been decimated like this. It would kill any team," Steinbrenner said. "Imagine the Red Sox without Josh Beckett aand Jon Lester.....It's not making excuses. It's reality. That's part of the game. That's clearly our problem.
"I'm not writing off this season," the team's co-chairman said Tuesday. "They're trying hard to win. There's only so much you can do. They're not supermen.......We're going to win it next year," he said. "If we need to add a top veteran pitcher, we'll do that. We'll do whatever we need to do. Next year we'll be extremely dangerous."That's right Hank, there's always next year.
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