Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This is What You Write When Your Team Can't Win in the Playoffs

The Red Sox own the Angels in the post-season. Angels bloggers can't refute that so they continue to focus on Beckett's pitch near Abreu or write silly things like this:

Jacoby Ellsbury is a bust.

Nick Green is not the pitcher we waived who ended up a Brewer, he is a weak excuse for a shortstop.

FANS: Only Angel fans are Angel fans. Idiot trendoid fratboys and couch-potato ESPN conformists comprise a majority of Red Sox Nation.

Here is my simple response these statements by halosheaven.com: Your team has a rally monkey and your fans use thunderstixs; 'nuf ced.


Amanda Bruno May 12, 2009 at 8:37 AM  

Amazing blog response. Thank you. I read the Red Sox Nation bash and couldn't believe what I was reading. Are you kidding me? "No Beckett to boo this week," I don't even recall Boston writers writing that stuff about the Yankees?


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