Saturday, November 10, 2007

6 Man Rotation or New Big Name Starter?

Theo and members of the Boston media have talked about the possibility of a 6 man rotation next year with Beckett, Dice-K, Schilling, Wakefield, Lester, and Buchholtz. Dice-K's team in Japan had a 6 man rotation. The benefit would be less fatigue on the Sox pitchers: Schilling had injury problems in the last 2 years, Dice-K showed some signs of running out of gas down the stretch and Beckett has a history of blister problems . However, there is a rumor going round that the Sox may be interested in dealing Lester or Buchhotz + Coco for a big name pitcher. The name most often heard in this scenario is Oakland's Dan Haren who was 15-9 with a 3.07 ERA this year. Other possibilities include Jake Peavy and Johan Santana.

Pedroia has surgery on injured hand

Dustin Pedroia finished the last 2 months of the season with a cracked bone in his hand. The Woodland, California native hit .317 for the Red Sox this year and will likely be announced as the American League Rookie of the Year on Monday.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Big Papi wins 4th straight Silver Slugger Award

The American League managers and coaches voted for David Ortiz to win the Silver Slugger Award for the best offensive first baseman in the League. This is the 4th year in a row that Big Papi has won this award. 3 members of the Evil Empire also won the award today but we won't talk about that.

Buy Manny's Car

Manny is at it again...this time he is selling his car on Ebay. As of this writing there were 19 bids with the high bid at $28,900 but the reserve is not met.
"The lucky winning bidder not only receives this one-of-a-kind car, but Manny has autographed his Red Sox jersey, a baseball and a bat!! In addition, the winner will receive up to four of Manny's personal tickets for a game next season and a photo-op with one of the greatest right-handed sluggers in baseball history." - Ebay description.

I guess Manny still needs the money....hey, its Nov. 10 and he has not asked to be traded yet.

Tomorrow is the deadline for new evidence in steroid investigation

The steroid investigation run by George Mitchell is almost over. The NY Times has reported that this Saturday is the last day for new evidence before the final report is drafted. The report should be made public in December and may have information about 11 current free agents and others who have used performance enhancing drugs. Let's hope no Red Sox players on the list.

Offer is on the table

The Boston Herald reported that the Sox management has offered what they called a "strong" offer to Lowell for 3 years for between $12-$15 million a year. Boston has until Nov. 12 to deal exclusively with Lowell, after that any team can get into the bidding. Mike Lowell is now 33 and will most likely not see a better offer from the Sox.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Is Mirabelli gone?

The Dallas Morning Post reported
that the Rangers are interested in a trade with the Sox for Coco. Texas would send catcher Gerald Liard to Boston. This might mean that Mirabelli in no longer needed....that is until week 2 of the regular season when Boston Police need to prepare for another escort to Fenway when Liard can't catch the knuckleball.

Dice-K and the Trip to Japan

The Red Sox players have not all agreed to the Japan trip yet. It seems like Boston is the team to play in Japan with Dice-k and Oki but the long plane ride might not be best for the Sox. On top of that Matsuzaka's second kid is due at the end of March so he may not make the trip. If the players do not agree to the trip the union will not approve it and it will be a no go.

Hot Stove Continues

Theo met with the devil yesterday to discuss A-Rod. I would not read too much into this, it is similar to Lowell filing for free agency. Both sides have to show interest in other options to increase their bargaining power. The Globe is also reporting that Theo will meet with Boras again today to discuss Gagne. I would love to see how Gagne's performance this year gets spun by Scotty.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Sox first games on U.S. soil might be in the Bay Area!

When the Sox return from Japan(tentative) where they will play 2 "home" games they will play the next 2 games in Oakland on April 1st and 2nd. Lets get the Nation out to support the defending World Champs. Other West Coast games on the schedule:

May 24-26 in Oakland
May 26-28 in Seattle
July 18-20 in Anaheim
July 21-23 in Seattle
August 1-3 in Oakland

full tentative schedule here

Timlin files for free agency

Mike Timlin could be back next year. He was a much better pitcher this year than he was last year. Even though he is getting up there in age he can still get it done as he proved down the stretch. He is also such an important member of the team's recent history, he was great in '03 and could have pitched the Sox into the World Series if Grady had taken Pedro out. He was a great setup man for Foulke in '04 and he was part of the lights out Timlin-Okie-Pap 7-8-9th innings this year. My brother took this picture of him after game 4 of the World Series...he is holding a 12 pack of beer under his shirt while he is interviewed.

Lowell vs. A-Rod

Although A-Rod beats Lowell in HR's, RBI's, and Runs there are several other areas where Lowell wins and is a better fit for the Red Sox. Lowell had a better average this year and this should not be easily dismissed. For most of the season he had J.D. Drew batting behind him. Pitchers did not have to worry that much about putting him on because J.D. was always good for a 4-6-3 double play. A-Rod had Posada behind him most of the season.

-Lowell is a role model who beat cancer.
-A-Rod goes out with strippers on the road
-Lowell bought Mexican food for Sox fans waiting for tickets
-A-Rod tried to steal the Red Sox news during Game 4 of the World Series
-Lowell has a World Series MVP
-A-Rod has never won a World Series

Sox getting closer to signing Mike Lowell

Several sites are reporting that the negotiations between the Red Sox and Mike Lowell are going well. According to Lowell's agent Sam Levinson, Mike is looking for a 3 year deal. The Sox need to get this taken care of before Nov. 12. After the 12th they no longer have exclusive rights to negotiations with Lowell and the chance of re-signing him will decrease immensely. More on Lowell's value coming soon.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Big Papi has knee surgery

ESPN is reporting that David Ortiz has undergone knee surgery today at Mass General. The surgery went well and Big Papi should be fine for spring training. Imagine the Sox with Papi at full power...Be afraid, be very afraid

Youk gets Gold Glove

Kevin Youkilis won the Gold Glove today! Youuuuk went through the entire season without an error at first. At a World Series game in Coors field when Youk had trouble with a bad throw a few typical Sox fans yelled out "Ortiz would have had it!" You can't please everyone. Congrats Kevin.

Where did all the Yankee fans go?

Living in the San Francisco Bay Area I get to see my fair share of bandwagon fans, especially when the Giants, A's, Raiders, and 49er are all in the basement. When I first moved out here there were Yankee bumper stickers and hats everywhere. Oh how times have changed, now the only Yankee hats you see are the red ones the gang bangers wear. On my way into work today I saw "Go Red Sox" written into the dust on the back of a truck. The Sox have become America's team. I just hope that all of those people who "lost" their Yankee hats don't start wearing Boston gear.

The Yankees appear to be in big trouble. Torre is in Lala land. Players did not like Girardi in Florida. Pettite is gone. Clemens is done. Their best hitter is gone. Rivera can't beat the Sox. Jeter can't pay for his date's parking.

Have things ever looked better in Red Sox Nation?

My first Red Sox game

When I was growing up in Needham, Ma my dad was the principal of Burbank Elementary School in Belmont. One of the students at the school was the son of Bill Lee (The Spaceman). Bill's son was selling autographs at school one day and my father asked him to stop. The next day his son continued to sell autographs so my dad called his home to inform his parents. Bill was extremely apologetic and ask my dad how many kids he had. He sent tickets for our whole family right behind the dugout at Fenway. So for my 1st Sox game I had amazing seats from one of the all time Red Sox greats.

Top 5 Reasons why Scott Boras Sucks

5. He got the Giants to sign Barry Zito (11-13 4.53 ERA) for $126 million

4. He thinks Andruw Jones (.222 128 K's) is worth 20 million a year for a 6-7 year deal.

3. Peter Gammons thinks so (enough said)

2. J.D. Drew (.270 64 RBI's) 5 years $70 million

1. He thinks A-Rod is worth $500 million (just don't count on him for the postseason or to show up for any awards.

Schilling will be back

The Sox did the right thing and reached a preliminary agreement with Curt Schilling today. He has done so much to put the Red Sox over the top that he deserves to finish his career in Boston. Now they just need to focus on Lowell and keep A-rod hanging. Let's hope he ends up with Tampa Bay!

Monday, November 5, 2007


Coco is a great defensive player and has his share of webgems for the year but he can't get it done at the plate. The Red Sox stayed with him for his slow start and finish to the season. Now is the time to deal him. Jacoby is ready...look at the spark he gave the team in the World Series. He will be as good a defensive player as Coco.
Rotoworld is reporting that the Twins are interested in Coco. Take whatever they offer and enjoy the Jacoby ride for years to come.

Need to sign Schilling

Even though I am not a fan of his politics and he can sometimes give the Sox a bad image, Schilling needs to be given a one year contract. You can NEVER have too much pitching. Injuries occur throughout the season....look what happened when they let Bronson go. Remember Matt Clement? Did he even pitch in the last 2 years? Schillings best days are behind him but he should go out a member of the Red Sox and he still can give the team some solid outings.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


I created this blog to give a West Coast perspective to Red Sox Nation.

My brother and I were lucky enough to be at Coor's Field for game four of the World Series with great seats 19 rows behind home plate. Theo was in our section!!! The Sox made it intersting by giving up a late homerun but "Cinco Ocho" closed the door. Red Sox fan's showed their dedication for an hour after the game around the dugout with chants like "re sign Mike!" and "Yankees suck."

I returned to Northern California on a plane full of Sox fans who had also been at the game. It amazes me how big the Nation is and that everyone seems to have a legitimate reason to be a Sox fan. Is anyone still in New England?


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