Saturday, December 20, 2008

Gammons Says Sox and Teixeira are Close

Peter Gammons has a new blog post up filled with info on the Red Sox including Teixeira negotiations:

One source close to Teixeira said Friday that the two sides are not that far apart, and the conciliatory and civilized nature of those words made it obvious that Teixeira likes Mr. Henry's neighborhood, he just wants the kitchen and heating system redone as part of the deal.

The post also includes info on Varitek, Lowell, and Junichi Tazawa.

Catching Market Continues to Shrink

The Red Sox do not have a catcher for the 2009 season and the available options are shrinking. Scott Boras may have been too busy trying to work out a deal for Teixeira while leaving his client Jason Varitek behind. The Rangers are no longer willing to deal a catcher, and the D-Backs just announced they do not want to trade Miguel Montero:

"We've spent a lot of the off-season assessing and nothing has motivated us (to make a trade) to this point. At some point, you have to say, 'OK, we kicked the tires and nothing in trade exceeds the value of keeping both, so we'll keep them both.'"...The Diamondbacks discussed a deal that would have sent Montero to Boston for pitching prospect Michael Bowden, but the Red Sox wouldn't bite. Detroit and Pittsburgh also are believed to have shown interest in Montero.

It is looking more and more likely that the Red Sox will find a way to re-sign Tek.

Friday, December 19, 2008

John Henry Calls the Bluff of Boras...

…and Boras just shit his bed. He bluffed one too many times. Players will drop him like the bag of shit that he is. He becomes a nobody, a has been, nothing. Players salaries return to normal, as do ticket prices, and a tall glass of Sam Adams will be only $4.

I was dreaming when I wrote this....

We Will Know Soon if Boras Was Bluffing

If Scott Boras had better offers for Mark Teixeira, they haven't surfaced yet. All of the leakers from other teams are not reporting that their team is close to getting Tex, they are saying the Red Sox had the best offer and are still in the hunt. Boras' email to the press said that Teixeira was in the process of eliminating teams. Boras and Teixeira have played all of their cards; other teams are not going to up their offers now that the Red Sox are "out," if anything the price could begin to drop. This has to come to a head very soon and somebody is going to have some splanin' to do.

Did Scott Boras Screw Up?

Is Scott Boras going to lose some money for his client with his tactics? It is possible that the Red Sox had the best offer for Mark Teixeira and Boras went back to them to get more claiming he had higher offers. The Red Sox had a higher offer than the Angels according to the L.A. Times:

The Red Sox were believed to have offered Teixeira an eight-year deal in the $175-million range, and a source who is familiar with negotiations but is not authorized to speak about them on the record said it was "significantly" better than the Angels' offer.

It is also possible that the Orioles upped their deal or that the Nats threw some more crazy money on the table. Either way I am just glad Red Sox brass walked away from the deal, it may help bring some sanity into baseball salaries.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

BREAKING NEWS - Red Sox Drop Out of Teixeira Sweepstakes

SI is reporting that Red Sox owner John Henry has said the Red Sox have been outbid for Mark Teixeira and they are not going to throw any more money into the pot.

"We met with Mr. Teixeira and were very much impressed with him,'' Henry said. "After hearing about his other offers, however, it seems clear that we are not going to be a factor.''

This does not necessarily mean the Sox are done in the case that Boras was bluffing about other offers and will have to come back to the Red Sox with hat in hand but that is an unlikely senario.

Mark Teixeira Just Farted

He is rumoured to have had bacon and eggs for breakfast.

New Info on Tonight's Negotiations

The meeting between Red Sox brass and Scott Boras has been confirmed but the deal is not a sure thing. The Angels' are $20 million behind the Red Sox eight-year $184 million offer. The Angels could try to top the deal but it looks like Tex is coming to Boston. Watch video of Youk reacting to the Teixeira news here.

Help Jim Rice Get into the Hall - Sign the Petition

As a kid growing up I had a Stop & Shop Jim Rice poster on my wall. He was the most feared hitter in the American League in his prime. This year is his last chance to get into the Hall of Fame on the writer's ballot, you can send a message to baseball writers by signing a petition on Please take a minute and support a well deserving player.

Deal Tonight?

Theo, John Henry, and Larry Lucchino are all in Texas today meeting with Scott Boras. The latest report is an offer of 8 years at $23 mil/year with the possibility of a deal tonight or tomorrow morning for Mark Teixeira.

Rolling Green Monster Update

Yesterday I posted about Rocky Rhodes and his Rolling Green Monster and his recent mechanical problems. His plight first became known on the Sawxheads fan social networking site. He recently posted some more detailed comments about his situation:

hi, its a dodge explorer motor home not a jeep, that's not the problem. the problem is there are no replacement parts available. 2 there is a major snow storm coming. 3 the garage has given me till tomorrow to have the rgm outta here because he can't fix it. thanks for your thoughts But I need your prayers. everything happens for a reason. we're not suppose to know why, we're suppose to just try to make life better

If there are any mechanically inclined Sox fans who can steer him in the right direction to obtain the parts he needs (10 bolt rear end), please contact Mickey's Towing & Repair Station, 3104 Fairfield Ave., Bridgeport, CT, phone # 203.336.3042


Rocky has found the parts! Thanks to Sawxheads member 'redsoxguitar', he was able to locate the 10 bolt rear end he needed. Not an easy part to find, I'm sure. Now all he needs is a shop big enough to handle the job.

Report: Red Sox Have Highest Offer for Teixeira

Nick Cafardo of the Globe has 2 GMs involved in the Teixeira as saying the Red Sox have the highest offer on the table for Mark Teixeira. The events are moving fast but with a decision coming any day now, Tek could be on the Sox before Christmas.

Youk About to Get Richer

Pedrioa signs a big contract, the Sox need a flexible corner infielder for the long term, and huge sums of money are being discussed for Teixeira. All of those things are going to help Kevin Youkilis as he begins his negotiaions for a long term deal with the Red Sox. Youk came close to winning the MVP this season, he is a great defensive player, and he takes pitches well to fit the Bill James/ Theo mold. Look for the Red Sox to go at least 5 years in this deal with a salary around $10 million/year.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Rolling Green Monster is in Trouble!!!

Last month Fenway West posted a story about Rocky Rhodes and his Rolling Green Monster (RGM) and his cross country trip to raise money and awareness for The Jimmy Fund and cancer research.

I received a message today from Rocky. He is stranded at Mickey's Towing & Repair Station, 3104 Fairfield Ave., Bridgeport, CT, phone # 203.336.3042, and in need of a 10 bolt rear end for his 1980 Dodge Explorer van. I am not a mechanic, so I didn't know what other questions to ask him about the van.

If there are any mechanics in RSN that can help him out, please send me a message: or try calling the repair shop at the number above.

Thank you all in advance for any help we can send his way!!!

UPDATE: The passenger side wheels actually fell off while he was driving to Yankee Stadium.

And Then There Were 3

The Orioles appear to have dropped out of the Teixeira running. Yesterday ESPN said they may be the front runners but today Buster Olney says they have not increased their initial offer and are behind the Red Sox, Nats, and Angels. The three remaining teams all have 8 year deals on the table, Boras will try to get at least one more year for his client. Yesterday the Red Sox said they would not sign any player to a 10 year deal. The Red Sox are up against their limit for signing Teixeira so it now really comes down to the Angels. The Nats will have the biggest offer money wise at the end of the negotiations but they are not and will not be a winning team for a long time. The Angels can offer Teixeira a chance at the post-season and they may have the funds to bring him on board. If they add a 9th year to their offer they will land Teixeira as it is unlikely the Sox will match it. If the bidding ended today without any increase to the offers, Tex would be headed to Boston.

UPDATE: The O's said they're not dead yet to the Baltimore Sun:

"We have indicated before that we have flexibility," Orioles president Andy MacPhail said today. "I don't think anyone expects [Teixeira's agent Scott Boras] to lean over and accept the first proposal."

Schilling Talks About Manny - Video

Here is video of Schilling's latest explanation of run-ins with Manny Ramirez from WEEI:

Report: Yanks to Offer Manny 3 Year Deal

The New York Daily News is citing a Yankee executive as saying the team is willing to offer Manny Ramirez a 3 year contract for $22-25 million per year. It will be very interesting to see if Manny takes it since he grew up close to Yankee Stadium but he wanted out of Boston because of the media and fan attention. He will not find much privacy in New York, so we will know what Manny is all about if he joins the Evil Empire.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

ESPN Says O's in the Lead for Tex

Watch ESPN breaking down the latest on the negotiations:

Cold Stove -Remaining Free Agents

Here is the list of the remaining free agents in case you were interested. There are still some big names and value players out there. Time for Theo to work his magic.


BALTIMORE (4) — Juan Castro, ss; Alex Cintron, ss; Kevin Millar, 1b; Jay Payton, of.

BOSTON (9) — Paul Byrd, rhp; Sean Casey, 1b; Bartolo Colon, rhp; Alex Cora, ss; Mark Kotsay, of; David Ross, c; Curt Schilling, rhp; Mike Timlin, rhp; Jason Varitek, c.

CHICAGO (6) — Orlando Cabrera, ss; Joe Crede, 3b; Ken Griffey Jr., of; Toby Hall, c; Horacio Ramirez, lhp; Juan Uribe, 3b.

CLEVELAND (4) — Brendan Donnelly, rhp; Scott Elarton, rhp; Sal Fasano, c; Juan Rincon, rhp.

DETROIT (5) — Casey Fossum, lhp; Freddy Garcia, rhp; Todd Jones, rhp; Kenny Rogers, lhp; Vance Wilson, c.

KANSAS CITY (1) — Mark Grudzielanek, 2b.

LOS ANGELES (4) — Garret Anderson, of; Jon Garland, rhp; Juan Rivera, of; Mark Teixeira, 1b.

MINNESOTA (2) — Eddie Guardado, lhp; Dennys Reyes, lhp.

NEW YORK (8) — Bobby Abreu, of; Jason Giambi, 1b; Chad Moeller, c; Mike Mussina, rhp; Carl Pavano, rhp; Andy Pettitte, lhp; Sidney Ponson, rhp; Ivan Rodriguez, c.

OAKLAND (3) — Emil Brown, of; Keith Foulke, rhp; Frank Thomas, dh.

SEATTLE (3) — Willie Bloomquist, of; Miguel Cairo, inf; Raul Ibanez, of.

TAMPA BAY (3) — Rocco Baldelli, dh; Cliff Floyd, dh; Eric Hinske, of.

TEXAS (3) — Milton Bradley, dh; Jason Jennings, rhp; Jamey Wright, rhp.

TORONTO (4) — A.J. Burnett, rhp; John Parrish, lhp; Brad Wilkerson, of; Gregg Zaun, c.


ARIZONA (7) — Tony Clark, 1b; Juan Cruz, rhp; Adam Dunn, of; David Eckstein, ss; Orlando Hudson, 2b; Randy Johnson, lhp; Brandon Lyon, rhp.

ATLANTA (6) — Elmer Dessens, rhp; Tom Glavine, lhp; Greg Norton, of; Will Ohman, lhp; John Smoltz, rhp; Julian Tavarez, rhp.

CHICAGO (5) — Henry Blanco, c; Jim Edmonds, of; Chad Fox, rhp; Jon Lieber, rhp; Daryle Ward, 1b.

CINCINNATI (6) — Paul Bako, c; Josh Fogg, rhp; Jerry Hairston Jr., of; Kent Mercker, lhp; Corey Patterson, of; Javier Valentin, c.

COLORADO (6) — Brian Fuentes, lhp; Matt Herges, rhp; Livan Hernandez, rhp; Adam Melhuse, c; Scott Podsednik, of; Glendon Rusch, lhp.

FLORIDA (3) — Luis Gonzalez, of; Mark Hendrickson, lhp; Paul Lo Duca, c.

HOUSTON (2) — Brad Ausmus, c; Randy Wolf, lhp.

LOS ANGELES (13) — Joe Beimel, lhp; Gary Bennett, c; Rafael Furcal, ss; Nomar Garciaparra, ss; Jason Johnson, rhp; Jeff Kent, 2b; Derek Lowe, rhp; Greg Maddux, rhp; Pablo Ozuna; Chan Ho Park, rhp; Brad Penny, rhp; Manny Ramirez, of; Mark Sweeney, 1b.

MILWAUKEE (8) — Craig Counsell, 3b; Ray Durham, 2b; Eric Gagne, rhp; Gabe Kapler, of; Guillermo Mota, rhp; CC Sabathia, lhp; Ben Sheets, rhp; Brian Shouse, lhp.

NEW YORK (11) — Moises Alou, of; Tony Armas Jr., rhp; Luis Ayala, rhp; Damion Easley, 2b; Orlando Hernandez, rhp; Pedro Martinez, rhp; Ramon Martinez, 2b; Trot Nixon, of; Oliver Perez, lhp; Ricardo Rincon, lhp; Matt Wise, rhp.

PHILADELPHIA (3) — Pat Burrell, of; Tom Gordon, rhp; Rudy Seanez, rhp.

PITTSBURGH (3) — Chris Gomez, 3b; Doug Mientkiewicz, 1b; Luis Rivas, ss..

ST. LOUIS (7) — Juan Encarnacion, of; Jason Isringhausen, rhp; Cesar Izturis, ss; Braden Looper, rhp; Mark Mulder, lhp; Russ Springer, rhp; Ron Villone, lhp.

SAN DIEGO (2) — Trevor Hoffman, rhp; Mark Prior, rhp.

SAN FRANCISCO (2) — Rich Aurilia, 1b; Omar Vizquel, ss.

WASHINGTON (2) — Aaron Boone, 1b; Odalis Perez, lhp.

Report: Red Sox Make Huge Offer to Teixeira

The Boston Red Sox have made the biggest offer in club history to Mark Teixeira. The deal is said to be for 8 year and could be up to $180 million. With the economy going down and ticket prices frozen you have to wonder how the Red Sox plan on making this kind of committment for the long term. Does this mean they will not be able to get that big free agent next year or the year after that? The farm system has been good but it can not replace eveything and the Sox are going to need some front line starters in the next few years. We just have to say "in Theo we trust" with this one.

Monday, December 15, 2008

2012 (A Short Story)


I was laying in bed late one night last summer reading "Joe DiMaggio- The Hero's Life", when all of a sudden, I put the book down, picked up my notebook and pen and started writing. I kept on writing and didn't stop until I had filled up about 6 pages. What follows is almost exactly what I wrote that night. Certain events since then have sent me back to the drawing board to tweak it a bit, but otherwise very few changes have been made. This is a story (fantasy, really) that just that flowed out of me with literally no effort at all. This is my first attempt at writing fiction.

2012 (A Short Story)

It is September of 2012. The Red Sox have been dominating the AL East since 2004, having won 5 of the last 8 World Series by an astounding margin of 20 games to 6, and setting a new Major League Record for most wins in the regular season in 2010 along the way. Terry Francona has been a brilliant manager and has been receiving all star performances from Pedroia, Youk, Bay, Ellsbury, Papelbon, Beckett, and Dice-K. Even Wakefield is still throwing that screwy knuckleball and doing it well! He's 46 years old, but Hoyt Wilhem and Wilbur Wood both pitched into their late 40's, and Satchel Paige pitched until he was 53, so why not Wake? He still gets 175+ innings per season and 4.20 has been his highest ERA since 2007.

And Lester! Jon Lester! His fairy tale continues as if he's living in some parallel universe. He has been dominating the Junior Circuit like no other lefty since Randy Johnson was in Seattle. He has become the ace of the staff, not an easy thing to do with a staff that includes All-Stars and Cy Young winners Beckett and Dice-K. He's won no less than 18 games in each season since 2009 and lost no more than 9 in that same time span. He's struck out at least 175 batters and has had an ERA no higher than 3.15, a remarkable feat considering that Fenway is a difficult park for southpaws, to say the least. He has 9 shoutouts and 2 no-hitters since 2008, and a Cy Young Award of his own last year. He even made it into the 7th inning with a perfect game going on that was broken up by a cheap infield hit that was questionable to all but the 1st base umpire whose view of the play was somewhat obstructed. Tito racked up yet another early exit that day arguing Lester's case, but to no avail. This has been a Red Sox dynasty even more impressive than their run in the early 20th century when that team won 5 World Series in 15 years before the infamous, but almost now forgotten sale of Ruth to the formerly despised Yankees.

The Yankees on the other hand....

Ah, yes, the Yankees. The once great and proud Yankees had fallen on hard times. After completely missing the playoffs in 2008 for the first time since 1994, Hank Steinbrenner continued to screw up the club so badly into 2009, that their (remaining) fans were calling for his head on a stick! Even Joba Chamberlain, the poster child of the new generation of Yankee's was disgracing the once venerable franchise with his many notable trips to the stripper clubs, DUI's, and his continued harassment of Kevin Youkilis which finally earned him a fine and suspension. The Evil Empire had been destroyed by the Rebel Red Sox so badly that Steinbrenner finally said, 'Fuck this shit', sold the team, and went back to his horse ranch much to the delight of Yankee fans in the tri-state area, thus ending the Steinbrenner years in disgrace. The new owners immediately set about to right the ship. They hired a brilliant GM to replace Cashman and immediately made several 'Fuckin' A' trades, as Billy Beane called them (trades that when other GM's hear of, they say, 'Fuckin' A!') Working the off season trading market like the stock market, they loaded up with top draft picks and top prospects for 2011. They cut loose all the old and overpaid stars: Damon, Matsui, Abreu, and Petitte. They cut loose all the over-priced candy that Hank went out and bought after missing the playoffs in 2008, including Manny Ramirez, who missed most of 2010 and 2011 with injuries after Hank washed his feet and then gave him $90 million. The Yankees were still stuck with some of the old guard from the 1995-2000 dynasty, the ones who King George bowed down to and lavished with contracts back in 2007: Old Man Jeter, and Mr. Controversy, A-Rod (Posada and Rivera had finally hung up their spikes in 2011.) One thing was certain about A-Rod, barring injury or unforeseen circumstance; he would hit more than 800 home runs by the time he was done with his career. The Yankees lost 92 games in in 2009, but with the new owners making immediate changes in the way the whole company was run and not just the approach to fielding and managing the team, they fared much better in 2010, winning 80 and losing 82, and continued to improve in 2011, but slowly, winning 82 and losing 80. But 2012 was different. The draft picks and the farm system had finally produced some bona fide major leaguers who were primed for breakout seasons in 2012, comparable to the Papelbon- Youkilis- Pedroia- Ellsbury- Lowrie- Lester breakout years. No one really thought that they were a legitimate challenge to the Sox, but winning 90 games was a real possibility this year.

The Sox had developed a model farm system and had handfuls of major league quality studs in Pawtucket just chomping at the bit to get a taste of the big show. 2012 brought a slew of injuries to the team, but they continued to win, although with not quite as much authority as the year before. The Sox were on a pace to win 95 games this year despite the injuries, but the whole AL East had become the strongest division in the major's. Even Baltimore was a contender. In 2011, all 5 teams finished at .500 or better. The Yankees had been having a superb year for the young team and were only 2 games behind the Sox heading into the final series of the season for both teams. It seemed as if every season the Yanks and the Sox played each other on the last weekend. It wasn't of course, but it just seemed like it. Sox fans were delighted that after looking up at the Yanks for all those painful 86+ years, that the tide had turned and the Sox were enjoying their dynasty. Coming into the final 3 game series of the year, the Yankees were hot, winning 10 of their last 12 and were only 2 games behind the 1st place Sox. A-Rod had finally gotten his shit together and started producing when it mattered. The Sox had been playing well and only needed to win 1 of the final 3 games to clinch the division. With Beckett, Dice-K, and Lester scheduled to pitch the final 3 games at Fenway, it seemed that the Sox had a virtual lock on the division title. Beckett and Dice-K were superb! Unfortunately, the young Yankee pitchers were 1 run better as the Sox lost 1-0 and 2-1. It was the first time in over 200 games that the Sox had been shut out! An eery, unsettling discomfort fell over Red Sox Nation that hadn't been felt since 2004. But not to worry- Jon Lester would be pitching the finale. Lester had been having yet another career year: 24-6, 2.92, 209 K's, 0.98 WHIP, but there was one batter in the whole American League who seemed to have figured him out: A-Rod. While his numbers against Lester weren't outstanding, he did have more success against him than anyone else in the league.

It is now the top of the 9th inning and the Yankees have 2 outs. The Sox are up 4-3, Lester is spinning another gem, but he walks Jeter after an 8 pitch battle, the last one barely an inch off the plate, or so it seemed. Although A-Rod has had some success against Lester this year, he had been baffled by Lester all day this day. Lester had another great game going with a low pitch count, so Tito decided to leave him in, as A-Rod had been having marginal success with Pap this year, as well.

0-1 ->

1-1 (barely) ->

1-2 ->

1-2 (foul) ->

1-2 (foul) ->

1-2 (foul) ->

2-2 ->

2-2 (foul) ->

2-2 (foul) ->

3-2 ->

3-2 (foul) ->

Finally on the 12th pitch of the at-bat, 2 outs, full count, go ahead run at the plate..... SWING!


Oh shit!

Back, back, back, back...

Just like the old days between the Yanks and the Sox!

Originally posted on walstib, ykwim? by Red Sox Sonoma 12/10/08

Pedroia in WBC

Rob Bradford is reporting that Dustin Pedroia will participate for Team USA in the World Baseball Classic.

Top 5 Red Sox Traitors Of All-Time

With recent news of Johnny Damon adding fuel to the fire it is time to look at the top 5 traitors in Red Sox history. There is no bigger sin than joining the Yankees by choice (this eliminates the Babe) so to qualify a player had to go over to the Evil Empire.

#5 Don Zimmer - Granted Zim was never loved in the Nation and he ran many of the Buffalo Heads out of town and may have even been working for the Empire as a member of the Red Sox, but Zimmer makes the list for his charge at Pedro in '03. His attack will always be one of the strangest moments in the history of the rivalry.

#4 Bob Watson - After playing with the Sox in 1979 Watson signed with the Yankees. He did not have nice things to say about the Hub : "If you're not Irish Catholic, you have trouble in Boston. If you're black, you're at the bottom of the list . . . I didn't want another Boston. It was sterilized there. We were surrounded by Bostonians who weren't black. There was no identity. I'd have to drive across town to get a haircut. In Wellesley, there wasn't even a black garbageman." Watson said that he still considered Boston at the end of the 1979 season; then a black student bused into Wellesley was shot. "That hit home." Watson drew more ire from the Nation after the Fancona uniform incident as well as doling out some uneven fines and suspensions for Red Sox players as V.P. of discipline for MLB.

#3 Wade Boggs - 2 events put Boggs on the list: the first is the horse. Red Sox fans had to watch as a player they once cheered on rode around the outfield of Yankee Stadium on the back of a police horse. ''If you had said to my dad that one day we would watch Wade Boggs riding a horse around Yankee Stadium to celebrate his championship with the Yankees, his head would have blown up.'' - Dennis Leary. The second event occurred this season when Boggs wore a Yankee hat at the All-Star game in New York.

#2 Johnny Damon- After being the face of the "Idiots" Damon leaves for the Evil Empire after the 2005 season. Damon said this a few months before signing with the Yankees: "There's no way I can go play for the Yankees, but I know they are going to come after me hard," Damon said. "It's definitely not the most important thing to go out there for the top dollar, which the Yankees are going to offer me. It's not what I need." When you add him cutting his hair to play for New York, he has to be a top vote getter for biggest traitor.

#1 Roger Clemens*- Even though he went to Toronto before joining the Yankees he still found a way to be a huge traitor. Last year the Red Sox created a video to try to have him finish his career in Boston where he was once revered, but Roger* chose to go back to the Yankees, making his announcement in Steinbrenner's box. Bill Simmons once wrote an article comparing him to the Anti-Christ: "It wasn't bad enough that the winningest pitcher in Red Sox history wanted to play in New York -- he actually cheated to get there. Even the staunchest Clemens sympathizers in New England couldn't defend him anymore. He had crossed over to the dark side. He was Darth Vader with a Texas accent. He was the enemy." To make things worse he wore a Yankee hat during the Greatest Players of the 20th Century All-Star game ceremony at Fenway after only being with the Yankees for 3 months.

Mark Teixeira Update

The ProJo thinks the Yankees are the Red Sox main competitors in landing the free agent.

Joel Sherman of the N.Y. Post does not.

Michael Silverman of the Herald breaks down the Red Sox possible contract offering.

The Red Sox are willing to go for a higher annual salary than any other team right now but will not offer the longest contract. By the end of the week each team in the bidding will have offered their best deal and Teixeira will have to decide. He has said in the past he wants to make a decision before Christmas.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Pokey Oki

Hideki Okajima did not outrun all of the competition in today's marathon but he did finish in 6,959th place in the male division with a time of 6 hours and 10 minutes. His time would not qualify him to participate in the Boston Marathon so he should be able to pitch on Patriot's Day if needed. All that being said he did just run a marathon which is a nice accomplishment in itself.

Yankees Want Either Teixeira or Manny

The NY Daily News is citing several sources as saying the Yankees want to add some power to their lineup by acquiring either Mark Teixeira or Manny Ramirez. If the evil empire is able to land either slugger they will have a pretty solid lineup. Jermaine Dye is also a player being considered by the Yankees.

Meet Casey Kelly - Video

Watch NESN's showcase of Red Sox 2008 draft pick Casey Kelly. This year Kelly had to choose between being quarterback for Tennessee or playing baseball. NESN's video player is having code issues so hit play and select the second video at the top.


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