Saturday, May 10, 2008

Dice-K and The Long Ball Win One for the Sox

Dice-K is now undefeated and again the Red Sox have kept the losing streak to 1 game. Matsusaka went 7 strong innings giving up just 2 runs and the pen held it this time; Okajima was perfect in the 6th and Papelbon earned his 11th save in the 9th. The Sox had 12 hits including 3 from Lowrie who was in at short for Lugo. Unfortunately for Lowrie that may have been his last start because Cora is due to return from the DL. Youk, Lowell. Crisp and Lowrie each had homers.

Sox win 5-2 BOX SCORE

Lugo Doesn't Help His Cause

When players get to the bigs they should be taught to never say anything negative about the media because the 4th estate always has the last word. When Julio told the Boston Herald they were focusing too much on the negative it opened the door for media outlets to jump on him, rightly or wrongly that is always going to happen. His error last night did not help much and gave the press another chance to point out his words from the night before. Lugo now leads the league in errors with 11.

Papelbon Gets His Second Blown Save of The Week

The Sox begin the series against the Twins with a tough loss. The usually automatic Papelbon came in to pitch the 9th with a one run lead. He gave up a hit and a walk and allowed two runners to steal (1 third base) putting the winning run in scoring position before Mike Lamb won the game with a walk off single.

Sox lose 6-5 BOX SCORE

Friday, May 9, 2008

Tonight's Lineup 5/9 at Minnesota

Ellsbury, CF
Pedroia, 2B
Ortiz, DH
Ramirez, LF
Lowell, 3B
Youkilis, 1B
Drew, RF
Varitek, C
Lugo, SS

Lester, P

Big Papi's Knee is Not Getting Better

David Ortiz was supposed to enter the season much healthier than he was last year. His knee surgery over the winter was supposed to fix the problem that had been ailing him. After his head first slide and re aggravation of the injury, it is beginning to look like he may have to endure pain for the rest of the season.

Before last night's game Ortiz said "its killing me" referring to the pain in his knee. Francona now has to check in with him on a daily basis to see if he can play and has hinted at a break during the upcoming interleague series with the Brewers.

Ortiz has been very productive at the plate lately but there is a good chance we will see him miss games now and then. When this happens look for Manny to DH and Ellsbury to play left. The Sox proved they can play well without one of their big bats in the lineup last night. As long as Youk continues to provide the power the Sox can survive this. It is also one more sign that Coco is not likely to be traded.

Richie Sexson Proves He Still Can't Hit

I know its not the Sox but Richie Sexson killed my fantasy team last year with his awful hitting and in yesterday's game he proved that he can't hit in a fight either. (he does get a good throw in with the helmet) By the location of the pitch he is obviously not seeing the ball very well.

Casey and Cora Feed The Paw Sox

Sean Casey and Alex Cora have honored the tradition of feeding the team during their rehab assignments in Pawtucket. Cora bought food from Capriccio on Wednesday and Casey bought take out from Capital Grille yesterday. Both are progressing well and should be joining the Red Sox by the start of next week.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sox Start A New Win Streak

Josh Beckett quickly made everyone forget about yesterday's loss with a dominating performance. He went 7 innings striking out 8 with no walks and only giving up one run. Hansen came in for the 7th and looked good and Delcarmen had some mop up duty in the 9th. The Sox offense continued to look strong with 13 hits and 5 runs including another home run by Youk. In fact, every starter had a hit but Lugo (he can't get a break). Coco went 3-4 and Tek had 2 RBI's, all of this without Manny. Overall a great win to get things going in the right direction again.

Sox win 5-1 BOX SCORE

Lineup for 5/8 at Detroit

Manny gets a night off, Jacoby will play left.

Jacoby Ellsubry, LF
Dustin Pedroia, 2B
David Ortiz, DH
Kevin Youkilis, 1B
Mike Lowell, 3B
J.D. Drew, RF
Jason Varitek, C
Coco Crisp, CF
Julio Lugo, SS

Josh Beckett, SP

Skanky Stadium

I am in New York City for a work trip. Last night I decided to head up to the Bronx to catch the Indians-Yankees game at Yankee Stadium.

During the 5th inning a family in the row behind me was ordering Cracker Jacks from a vendor. Meanwhile, some people in my row summoned the hot dog vendor. Apparently the Cracker Jack guy was blocking the path and taking too long, so the hot dog vendor started getting surly with him. A fisticuffs nearly broke out between the Cracker Jack vendor and the hot dog vendor. Just the type of experience you expect in Skanky Stadium.

Sing with me now..."take me out to the ball game, buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks, I don't care if the hot dog guy gets jacked."

Yankees got shut out by the way. They looked really bad. Most fans left in the 7th inning, demonstrating that they don't have a lot of faith in this team's ability to rally in the late innings.

Here Comes the Lugo Bashing

With the error on a possible double play ball in the 9th last night, Julio Lugo has once again become the target of the Boston media and a good portion of the fan base. Since J.D. is getting it done this year, many in the media need someone to blame when the Sox lose and Lugo has become that guy. Take a look at some of the bad press this morning:

Boston Herald- Lugo Lets It Go

Boston Globe- Fumble Leads to Sox Loss and Fielding Woes are Mounting for Shortstop

Providence Journal- Which Shortstop Signing Was the Biggest Mistake for Boston: Renteria of Lugo?

Boston Dirt Dogs: Error No. 10: The Defensively-Challenged Shortstop Finally Costs Sox a Win

True he did sign a massive contract ($36 million) but he has never been a great defensive shortstop, Boston knew that when they signed him. Perhaps Tito should put Lowrie in at short as a late inning defensive replacement in the future but they need to keep Julio's bat in the lineup. (Pedroia could have come in defensively and Lowrie could have moved to short last night) Lugo is batting .293 this season. The Sox pitchers gave up 18 hits last night, Lugo committed one error. Lets put the blame where it belongs; with the pitching staff.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sox Pitchers Come Back To Earth and Get Shelled

The string of good starts came to an end today when the Sox lost in the 9th. The wheels started to come of in the 3rd when Buchholz gave up a series of hits and 4 runs. After giving up another run in the 4th his day was done. Julian Tavarez (yes, he is still on the Red Sox) came in for one inning and further decreased his trade value by giving up 4 hits and 3 runs. Throughout the game the Sox were able to fight their way back with some big hits; Youk had 2 home runs and Lowell had a big 2 out homer in the 7th. Pedroia came off the bench to get the go ahead RBI. Aardsma and Lopez stopped the bleeding for the Red Sox before Okajima took over in the 8th. He got into a jam with runners on first and second with 1 out before the inning ended with a strike 'em out throw 'em out. Papelbon came in for the 9th with a 1 run lead and luck was not on his side. The first batter for the Tigers reached first on a check swing infield hit. That was followed by a double play ball that Lugo booted. Rodriguez bunted the runners into scoring position. Granderson had an RBI ground out that sent Renteria to third. Polanco hit a broken bat single over Lugo's head to get the walk-off hit for the Tigers.

The Sox did not deserve to win this game when their pitchers gave up 18 hits but the offense kept fighting. The Tigers needed a win like this much more than the Sox did.

Sox Lose 10-9 BOX SCORE

Tonight's Lineup 5/7 at Detroit

Pedroia and Crisp get a day off.

Ellsbury CF
Lowrie 2B
Ortiz DH
Ramirez LF
Lowell 3B
Youkilis 1B
Drew RF
Varitek C
Lugo SS

I Almost Feel Sorry For Detroit

Things have become so bad for the Motor City Meltdown that I almost feel sorry for them. Take a look at what Mitch Albom wrote in the Detroit Free Press today:

Tigers impatient, floundering and with limited options

"The Tigers, with a 14-20 record, have limited options. They can't play small ball. They don't have the speed. They can't do much with their starting pitching: They have to wait on Dontrelle Willis, pray that Justin Verlander finds his ace cap, and hope one of the others can go eight innings and hold a team to two runs or fewer -- the way Wakefield did.

Oh, and hope that Sheffield, recently moved to leftfield, isn't halfway out the door, and that Cabrera performs the way he is supposed to. Leyland hinted that his expensive superstar may have underestimated the pitching in the American League, thinking, like others, that they play "slow-pitch softball" over here."

This is the team that ESPN had #4 in its pre-season power rankings (Sox were #12). As has been said before; you are never as good or as bad as you think you are but it sure is nice to be on the right side of the fence in this match-up.

A-Rod: Major Girly Man

A-Rod's wife told the YES Network that the Yankee's third baseman had to call his mother-in-law for help when his wife went into labor because he was scared. From Cynthia Rodriguez:

"In the middle of the night, I realized that I needed to go to the hospital. I wake him up. The first thing that comes out of his mouth, 'Can we call your mother?' ... A few hours later, I said, 'I think you can call my mom now.' Uh, and the color came back to his face when I told him he could call my mom."

While she was in labor A-Rod fainted and the doctors and mother-in-law all had to help A-Rod. More from Cynthia Rodriguez:

"And really, I am not being paid much attention to besides the doctor and a couple of nurses, and he is there moaning. In between pushing, I am going, 'Honey, are you OK?' and 'Are you breathing? Are you OK?' "

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Wake, Sox Shut Out the Motor City Meltdown

Tim Wakefield pitched great tonight giving up just 2 hits with 6 K's and no walks over 8 innings. Timlin came in for the 9th to finish the shut out. The bats provided the offense with Ortiz going yard for the second straight night and Manny hitting #497. This was a great win for the Sox and a lift for Wake who had not been pitching well of late.

As good as the win was for the Sox it must have been equally bad for the Tigers who now have a higher salary than Boston. Leyland shook up the lineup this week but the results were the same. The Detroit Free Press ran a blog post today that said "Hey Tiger Fans, Its Far Worse in Cleveland." After tonights loss I'm not really sure it is.

Sox Win 5-0 BOX SCORE

yankee Fan charged with Murder after Running Down 2 Sox Fans with Her Car

A NY yankees fans was charged with murder yesterday after charging Sox fans with her car, killing one, and injuring another in Nashua, NH. Besides the reckless second degree murder charge, she was also charged with driving while intoxicated.

Apparently not the brightest bulb on the holiday tree (not unlike most yankee fans), the thin-skinned Ivonne Hernandez, 43, goes into the heart of Red Sox Nation, gets drunk, and proclaims her allegiance to the evil empire. The ensuing fracas spilled out to the parking lot, where Hernandez exacted her revenge by aiming her car at a Sox fan, accelerating, and hitting him and one other. One died from massive head trauma, while another suffered minor injuries.

Words fail me at this moment.

I would never walk into a NY watering hole with a 'yankees suck' shirt on. Have a discussion, or even an argument with a yankees fan, but don't whack the bee hive with a stick! Sox fans aren't perfect, but this is about as low as one can go dragging your team's name into the mud.

Tonight's Lineup 5/6 at Detroit

Coco is back and the Sox even have Jacoby available to pinch hit/run

Crisp, CF
Pedroia, 2B
Ortiz, DH
Ramirez, LF
Lowell, 3B
Youkilis, 1B
Drew, RF
Cash, C
Lugo, SS

Wakefield, P

Schilling's Throwing Session Goes Well

According to the ProJo, Curt Schilling threw 25 times at a distance of 60 feet in Detroit today. The session went well and will be repeated on Thursday. This is the first step into the rehab outlined by the Red Sox without surgery. Looks like positive news for now.

Manny's High-Tech Mouthguard

Manny Ramirez has been using an electronically designed mouthguard that according to dentist Dr. Gary Lederman "puts the jaw into its optimal position to improve performance by reducing stress, improving metabolic rate and oxygenating the muscles." The mouthpiece is designed especially for Manny by Pure Power Mouthguard. The company uses a TENS (Transcutaneous Electro Neural Stimulation) machine to relax the player muscles and then fit them for the mouthguard. Tests are then run on the player showing increased performance. It might be time to tweak the mouthguard to get #497.

Schilling and Colon on the Mend

Bartolo Colon pitched yesterday for the first time since his oblique injury in an extended spring training game. Colon pitched two scoreless innings with a K and a walk. He will have a few rehab starts with the Pawtucket before making a major league start.

Curt Schilling is going to throw a ball today, if all goes well it will be a sign that he will be able to pitch for the team this season.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Sox Win Series Opener in Motown

Dice-K's second season with the Red Sox is looking similar to Beckett's; after tonight's win Matsusaka is 5-0. His command was not there giving up 8 walks with only 1 K but he held the Tigers to just 1 run. Hansen came in after just getting called up and pitched a great 6th inning. He got into a jam in the 7th and left with bases loaded. Okajima replace him and let two of his base runners score before closing out the inning and pitching well in the 8th. Papelbon continued to dominate hitters with his 10th save of the season.

Offensively the Sox looked more like teams of old and showed some power with home runs by Lowell, Ortiz and Youkilis. They did not have any steals tonight. Lowell had his first RBI's of the season and the Sox cruised to victory.

Sox win 6-3 BOX SCORE

Lineup for Tonight's Game 5/5 at Detroit

Jacoby gets the start in center and Lowell is still looking for his first RBI of the season.

Ellsbury CF
Pedroia 2B,
Ortiz DH
Ramirez LF
Lowell 3B
Youkilis 1B
Drew RF
Varitek C
Lugo SS

Dice-K SP

Clemens* Apologizes for (some of) His Mistakes

Roger Clemens* apologizes for some of his mistakes in a Houston Chronicle story yesterday, but did not address the apology towards his alleged use of steroids. Also referenced in the story is the claim made by the New York Daily Times that Clemens* started an improper relationship with country singer Mindy McCready when she was 15 and he was a 28 year old, married, father of two.
Roger*, you're skating on thin ice as you head for certain induction to the baseball hall of shame (Bonds, Palmeiro, McGuire, Sosa, The Daily Iowan, et. al.)

Vote For Red Sox Players for All-Star Game

You can vote for Manny, Pedroia, and Youk online here. Fans can vote up to 25 times for the starters online.

U of Iowa Newspaper Rips Sox Fans

The University of Iowa's newspaper The Daily Iowan published an opinion piece today saying the following about Sox fans:

"Though I do generally believe the mass propagation of douche-bag Red Sox fans is an effect of what ails this country."

Feel free to comment on his article here and let the author know what Sox fans think of him and Iowa in general.

Hayato Doue Will Not Be Joining The Sox

According to the Boston Herald, Japanese catcher Hayato Doue did not get a working visa and will not join the team. Doue had agreed to terms with the team. No word on why the visa was denied, more when it becomes available.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Craig Hansen Called Up

Relief pitcher Craig Hansen was called up to fill the roster spot vacated when Brandon Moss went on the DL after surgery yesterday.

Sox Get Payback With Sweep of Rays

Last week everyone wondered what happened to the offense and the once hot bat of Kevin Youkilis. This weekend both were found. The Red Sox beat the Rays to complete a 3 game sweep scoring 7 runs on 11 hits today. Youk went 3-4 with a home run and 4 RBI's, Ellsbury had 2 stolen bases. The Sox were in control the entire way after Ellsbury scored on a sac fly in the first. Lester pitched well going 6 innings and Papelbon earned his 9th save of the season. The homestand comes to a close and the Sox head to Detroit for a 3 game series starting at 7 pm on Monday.

Sox win 7-3 BOX SCORE

David Ortiz A Late Scratch For Today's Game

I spoke too soon with my earlier post, David Ortiz will not be in the lineup today because of tightness in his knee. Here's the new lineup, Ellsbury will play left, Manny will DH

Ellsbury LF
Pedroia 2B
Youkilis 1B
Ramirez DH
Lowell 3B
Varitek C
Drew RF
Crisp CF
Lugo SS

Today's Lineup 5/4 vs. Rays

Everybody is healthy!!!

SP- Lester


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