Since I am still reliving the awesome that was yesterday....getting to go to Fenway...go on the tour and meet Dustin Pedroia as part of the Dunkin' Donuts Perks Most Value Tour...I will let you all in on the Q&A that Pedey did with the fans.

I am a dork, but you will all benefit from my dorkiness. I took some notes while Pedey was answering questions. Dave O'Brien, radio sportscaster started off by asking Pedey a few questions and then turned it over to the crowd.
Pedey began by gushing about the newest Pedroia, Dylan. He says he already looks good in a Sox uniform and that he has that baby fat, but a few muscles emerging already. O'Brien asked if Pedey would be disappointed if Dylan didn't wanna play ball when he grew up. Pedey smiled and said no. He said as long as Dylan is a good kid and enjoys himself...then that is all he can ask for. It's obvious he is just in love with that little well he should be.
O'Brien asked Pedey about his relationship with Tito...saying it has been reported a lot about it. Pedey's response, "I just flat out hate him" followed by a big laugh. He went on to say how great Tito has been to him. He talked about when he first came up and struggled so much and Tito never gave up on him...and how that made such a difference. He said Tito was awesome and so grateful he gave him a chance.
He also said that Tito kicks his butt in cribbage daily and said he is finally willing to openly admit that Pedey is in fact not very good at it. I think it's the first time I've heard the adorable ego that is Pedey admit he is not good at anything.
Pedey admitted that he likes Jeter. We all knew this since they've been WBC BFFs for a while now. He said that Jeter has been to the World Series 6 times, won 4...and for someone to have that level of success, everyone respects him. I agree. I can't say I have Jeter hate. I have to respect the way Jeter has played the game, even if he plays for EVIL.
Pedey said he has really enjoyed having Gonzo in the lineup. He said that when he came up in 06, Gonzo was on the it didn't take much time for them to get comfy working the double team action together. He said that Gonzo just makes it look easy.
Pedey also talked a bit about V-MART. He said that Theo easily got the best available player on the market in V MART. And made a special note that he did it last year with JayBay as well. Pedey said that the Sox were one game away from the World Series last year and that having V MART on the should bring us that one extra game we need to get back there. Sounds like people on the team are really loving having V MART around.
O'Brien asked about JayBay's upcoming free agency and if Pedey tried to talk him into resigning. You could tell Pedey didn't want to answer this one. He said that JayBay has to take care of his family...first and foremost. He said that he doesn't really get the whole free agency stuff since he lucky never had to be a part of it. He did joke that a lifetime supply of Dunkin' Donuts might get the deal done.
Pedey was asked what other ballparks besides Fenway he likes to play in. He said he likes to play in Anaheim. "The park is nice, the weather is always nice and they have the rally monkey there." Giggles. He also said he likes playing in Seattle. I guess Pedey is not bothered by the constant we all know I am. DAMN TRAINS. Sorry, back to Pedey. He also said when they played interleague at Houston...he liked that park. He did finish off by saying there is no better ballpark in the world than Fenway Park. Well done sir, well done.
Someone asked if Pedey had any superstitions before or during the game. He said he didn't and that he didn't believe in it. He said that people get their usual routine, but that he didn't think that made a difference. He said he could go right from an event like this to playing the game...and would be fine. He did make fun of Nomar playing with his batting gloves for a bit. It was cute.
He was asked to share a fellow teammate's superstition. He said that there are 3 bathroom stalls in the bathroom. A certain player (which player???'s for me to know and you to find out) came into the clubhouse during the game and went to the bathroom...came back a minute later and went back into another stall. Pedey asked what he was doing...and said player said, "I didn't get a hit. I'm gonna try this stall." Good to know that actual baseball players do the same stupid things I do during the game...and think they matter. Someday...I'll write a post where we can list all our superstitions. Mine are pretty ridiculous, but I still do them.
Pedey obvious is not a fan of the media attention in Boston. He went on to say you have to have a thick skin to play in Boston. He was asked if he reads any of the blogs or social media. He said no, he doesn't. He said the only thing he uses his computer for is checking his fantasy football team. LOL He said all that stuff can get overwhelming if you let it, so most of the players just ignore it. He did say that he sees that he has a Twitter...and made the point that it was not him. He said he didn't care and hopes the guy is having fun being him on a computer. Oh if only Pedey knew he wasn't alone...with the fake Jacoby and the fake Jed.
Pedey went out of his way to say that "O% of what the media reports is true."
And as I said before, Pedey went off a little bit on the idea of the sports media having an opinion if or how the Red Sox should celebrate clinching the post season. Pedey said that the team felt that last night would be the night to clinch. He was just wasn't done with a win. When asked what he thought of the sports radio talk about it...I actually wrote down the quote:
"We'll handle this. We don't need sports media to decide how we should handle it. We are going to do whatever the hell we want to."
PEDEY AND HIS #SSomeone asked Pedey how he thought his numbers compared to the great Red Sox second basemen. Pedey said that he doesn't really pay attention to #s...followed by "I don't count good." He said that the only stat he really pays attention to is runs scored.
Pedey said that the great second baseman Bobby Doerr asked him to sign a ball for him. Pedey agreed and when he sent it to him...he said, "Hey, doesn't he send me one back???" So, Bobby Doerr just recently sent him a ball back. Doerr wrote on it, "Dustin, Congrats on winning the MVP." and did not sign his name. Pedey asked who the ball was from....they told him Doerr. Pedey said that "doesn't he have a name??" and that someone might wanna explain to Doerr how this whole signed baseball thing works.
YANKS SERIESPedey talked about that series. He begrudging admitted that losing the two games in KC might have changed the game plan going into NY. He also talked about watching Lester getting hit. He said that as a batter...he has been there in those situations. He said that seeing him being hit in the knee was really scary since Lester is such a huge key to any post season success. Pedey said that he would rather be drilled in the ribs anytime than be hit in the knee. Interesting.
DOUBLE PLAY HIJINXSSomeone asked Pedey what is the worst he has ever gotten from a runner sliding into him and taking him out when he is trying to turn a double play. He said it was the ChiSox's Carlos Quentin. He said that it was ironic because Carlos is one of his best friends in the league. He said they knew each other from the college days and what not. When Carlos took him out...Pedey went down flat. He said it knocked him out cold. Carlos got up, asked him if he was ok. Pedey said, "Umm, not really. What were you doing? I weigh 160 pounds." Carlos's response, "Dude, you are on the other team." He chuckled.
That's about least what I can make out of my spotty memory and my scribbly notes.
Oh Yeah...Pedey isn't a big fan of hockey. When he said that...some members of the crowd gasped. He assured them...."I am a Bruins fan now. Calm down."
It was a good time had by all. I feel so lucky to be there and get to just listen to Dustin talk. He really is down to earth and just seems like a normal guy. He also seems pretty honest. They was never a time when I felt he was given the "canned" answer.
Thanks again to Dunkin' Donuts for the opportunity. They are always having more opportunities....with the Red Sox, the Celts and the Patriots. If you wanna be a lucky duck just like me...sign up for the
DD Perks program. Trust me, you won't regret it!